Investing is “putting your money in something with expectation of profit.” Investing is the best way to accumulate wealth. Instead of working extra yourself, your money will be working for you. The most common investments include stocks, bonds, and real estate. People have made ridiculous amounts of …
Where Should I Check My Credit Report?
The biggest step you can take to improve your credit score is: TO CHECK IT! How can you improve something you can’t see or know nothing about? You can’t… Thankfully the Federal Government has helped us with step 1. By visiting (government sponsored) you are able to …
Will My Credit Score Drop If I Apply For New Credit?
Will my score drop if I apply for new credit? If it does, it probably won’t drop much. If you apply for several credit cards within a short period of time, multiple requests for your credit information (called “inquiries”) will appear on your report. Looking for new credit can equate with higher …
How To Earn More Rewards
I recently read an article that claimed America could save 10 billion dollars a year if we stopped processing checks. I’m thinking this figure included some layoffs so it wouldn’t be all positive, but it still caught my attention. When I was growing up in the 90’s picturing what life would be like …
Credit vs. Debit
Back to the Basics: When checking out, should I choose CREDIT or DEBIT? Answer: CREDIT Why: If you have a Visa or Mastercard logo on your debit card and choose credit, you’ll be asked to sign for your purchase. All signature transactions go through the Visa or Mastercard Network. These …
What’s In Your Credit Score?
Paying bills such as phone bills, utility bills, insurance and rent payments DO NOT report to any credit bureaus. (With this said, failure to pay these items could result in collection which WILL bring down your score - I’ve seen a lot of derogatory Verizon accounts reporting) What goes into your …
Retirement LOL
FYI, LOL, BTW - all abbreviations we have grown to love. I’m going to hit you with one not as common, but so much cooler right now. What is it? FICA, better known as the Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax. I knew if I titled this post “Payroll Tax” no one would continue reading. So what makes …