When you consider your personal finance strategy, it is always a good idea to keep diversity in mind. You may have heard the term "diversified investments" before without really giving it any thought, but in fact adhering to a strategy of diversity can be extremely financially beneficial. The basic …
What Causes Inflation?
Sometimes I wish that inflation were a tangible thing so that people would pay more attention to it. Could you imagine the outrage caused by someone stealing money from you every day? I think we would all do whatever it took to prevent this thievery from happening. If we were to dress up this …
How To Dominate The Dow
I spend too many hours each day scouring the internet for various articles pertaining to personal finance and the economy. Yahoo! Finance often assists by aggregating useful information for me. It is the useless information, however, that has inspired me today. In the article Cliff May Knock Out …
“Doing Nothing” is a Decision (and the riskiest one at that!)
What would you do if I told you that Ally Bank or ING Direct were offering an awesome *NEW* account? What are the awesome terms, you ask? (- 2%) Regardless of how much you put into this new account, you're guaranteed to lose 2% each year. Who, on Earth, would invest their money in such an …
Freakin’ Menus
You should see me at dinner. It's borderline embarrassing. It's not because I get specks of pepper stuck in my teeth -OR- because I prefer licking my fingers over using a napkin. It's because I have menu-phobia. I open the menu and immediately go cross-eyed. Rosetta Stone could help at …
My 2012 Investments Explained
What a year for investing, huh? If you decided to sit on the sidelines this year, you really missed out. The purpose of this blog post is to inspire people that are hesitant to invest in "the dreaded market." Due to a potential conflict of interest, I'm not going to tell you what I'm …
This Just In: Stocks Will Rise and The World Won’t End
"This shit is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S" - Singer Gwen Stefani Shit is crazy, no doubt. <- see what I did there? Regardless of religion or political affiliation, I think that's something we can all agree on. In the United States, we have problems with employment, education, and …