Raise your hand if you love the stock market! Who's with me? I imagine rooms full of families reading my blog - all with hands-raised as if they're riding roller coasters. Who doesn't love the stock market? The S&P 500 is up for the sixth straight week, hovering around a 4-year high. …
Should I Die This Year or Next Year?
No one likes to discuss death. It's a topic often avoided (and for good reason). The thought of having someone there one minute and gone the next is extremely difficult to comprehend. But as tough as it is, the conversation needs to happen. Speaking from experience, a little discussion and …
My Investment Strategy Fully Explained
My name is Tony, and I'm a young investor who blogs at A Young Investor. Here's my investment strategy fully explained: from how I decide what to buy/sell, when to buy, how long to hold on, and when to sell (notice, I do not include shorting in this post. This is solely about long …
What To Do With Your Old 401(k)
There are a lot of topics within personal finance that can spark debate among "experts" and economists; however today, I will highlight a less-controversial topic. Though important, I foresee no wadded panties towards the end of the post. What To Do With Your Old 401(k) With pensions …
OMG! Facebook’s IPO!
I've been getting a lot of questions regarding "investing" recently. In fact, I've never received so many investing-type inquiries. I can't tell you how excited this gets me. Here's how the conversation usually plays out: Donkey: "Hey, I'm thinking about investing some money." Me: "Ahh that's …
I Don’t Want To Be Debt Free
Did you do a double-take when you read this title? Considering a lot of my readers are personal finance bloggers, I'm guessing yes; especially since the majority of personal finance bloggers see debt as an unnecessary evil. A few years ago I was faced with a personal dilemma: should I pay off my …
Friends Don’t Let Friends Ignore Inflation
Lets say you have two friends. One of your friends keeps stealing money from the other. Wouldn't you feel an obligation to warn your one friend about the other? Of course you would! It's the same obligation I feel when I think about your money and inflation. There's an invisible creature among us …