If you've been following along, you know that we have been looking at the economic track record of past Presidents. Hopefully, this will allow us to make an informed decision when we cast our vote for Mitt Romney or President Obama (or neither). I'm searching high and low for possible …
Interesting History of the Economy: Calvin Coolidge
Before you read this article, make sure you read the last article in this series about Warren G. Harding. I didn’t pay a lot of attention in history class. Between the ages of 5-15, I didn’t understand why I should care about dead people. Presidents are cool and all, but how is knowing about …
Interesting History of the Economy: Warren G. Harding
I didn't pay a lot of attention in history class. Between the ages of 5-15, I didn't understand why I should care about dead people. Presidents are cool and all, but how is knowing about Warren G. Harding going to help me now? I now realize that history often repeats itself. It's a cliche quote …
Dump Your Girlfriend & Eat Whichever TV Dinner You Want
Welcome back to another episode of The Dating Game! I have really enjoyed the similarities between finding love and managing money. A few of the comparisons I have made are a stretch, but others are undeniable. Today, I’m confident, will be undeniable. I have spent much of my time recently …
You Down With QE3?
With the Fed meeting coming up this week and the domestic economy showing signs of slowing, the inevitable QE3 talk is once again front and center. The Fed's latest QE activity, Operation Twist, will be completed at the end of June. During Operation Twist the Fed absorbed all the issuance of …
It’s The Economy, Stupid!
With the Presidential election in the U.S. beginning to heat up, it is natural to forget about elections elsewhere in the world. But before our elections start to cause volatility in the Fall, a round of elections in Europe in May could have a very meaningful impact on the marketplace. Given the …
Greece Is A Zit, Portugal Is A Boil, Spain Is A Tumor
"It's Not A Tumor" - Kindergarten Cop The market appears to be blissfully ignoring the massive issues facing Spain due to a better than expected recent auction. But with the impact of the ECB's three -year liquidity injection starting to run it's course, Spain will be a big focus for the market …