Even with all of the drama the financial markets have seen recently, 2012 has been an exceptional year. You have most likely received your monthly statements along with your credit card offers in the mail, and you haven't had to question anything. Most people will look at their most recent balance …
Why You Need to Start Living Off 50-75% of Your Income
Have you listened to the news recently? If answered “yes,” you have probably noticed 3 underlying trends: 1. The economy is improving 2. The economy will get worse IF we don’t “solve” the Fiscal Cliff 3. The price of Milk is about to soar I’m sure there are a few trends …
I’m More Interested in Your Personal Savings Rate than the Interest Rate on Your Personal Savings!
That's a tongue-twister, huh? Whereas how much wood a wood-chuck can chuck is useless to debate, I can promise you that my title is extremely helpful. Where's The Best Place To Put My Money? This is a question I get 25 times each week. While exhaustive to answer, the question itself never …