I've been kinda hard on Facebook recently and most of it has been unwarranted. Facebook has lost about half of it's value since it's IPO earlier this year, but who's fault is that? The people that have been most affected by (and responsible for) this drop have no affiliation with the company. Mark …
How Low Can You Go?
If you're ever at a party, but there's no one actually "partying," what do you do? Easy solution: Limbo! People love the limbo. It's funny, actually. It doesn't matter whether it's a pole, a belt strap, or a jump rope - people love walking under objects with their backs bent. "How low …
OMG! Facebook’s IPO!
I've been getting a lot of questions regarding "investing" recently. In fact, I've never received so many investing-type inquiries. I can't tell you how excited this gets me. Here's how the conversation usually plays out: Donkey: "Hey, I'm thinking about investing some money." Me: "Ahh that's …