When you begin investing, there are a lot of fancy phrases that will be thrown in your face. But, don’t get overwhelmed. Every industry, in an attempt to exclude outsiders, creates their own, over-cluttered codification full of unnecessary jargon and ridiculous acronyms. From cost basis and back-end …
asset allocation
Attention Millennials, Stop Being Such Weenies
My very first job (that didn't include selling lemonade) was as a Busboy at a restaurant. This wasn't a chain that you can find anywhere in the United States. It was a very simple, small-town type of restaurant where "regulars" would often come together. The restaurant was officially established in …
The Rule of 100 Will Help You With Your Asset Allocation
The Rule of 100 Answers The Question: What Asset Allocation Should I Have? I overheard a friend of mine say that he was having difficulty selecting investment options within his 401(k). With such a long time-horizon, he was aware of the aggressive strategy he should have (more stocks than bonds), …