“Improve finances” is the second most common New Year’s resolution right behind “lose weight.” For many Americans, “improve finances” is code for “I should save and invest more.” But, investing (and, specifically, knowing where to start) can be intimidating. So, I've compiled the best investment …
5 Important Lessons I Learned About Investing as a $hitty Financial Advisor
I always wanted to be a Financial Advisor. And then I became one and quickly realized that my dream wasn't everything I thought it would be. There were 3 things, in particular, that drove me nuts and ultimately led to my demise. Most people hate to think and talk about money. We spend more …
Money Management Tips That Could Strengthen Your Position as a Corporate Leader
As a business leader, you are probably quite concerned about things you could do to strengthen your own reputation and that of your company. The more visible you are in public, the more your words and actions matter. That reality applies to every aspect of your life but particularly how you manage …
Words of Wisdom from Ben Franklin’s Twitter, Probably
Ben Franklin was an impressive guy. He was one of our Founding Fathers, invented the lightning rod and bifocals (among other things) and was one of the most prominent abolitionists opposing slavery. Needless to say, Ben Franklin was ahead of his time. But, most of this, you already knew. What you …
Here are 7 Ways Your Brain May Be Costing You Money
How exciting was that Superbowl? Could anyone have written a better script? The greatest quarterback of all time...making the greatest comeback of all time...in the greatest championship game of all time! And can we also proclaim Lady Gaga's bungie jump/mic drop/cannon ball combo the greatest …
The Importance of Diversification Explained in Super Simple Terms
Check out this window: Question: What happens when a rock is thrown at this window? Answer: The entire thing shatters. Next, check out this window: Question: What happens when a rock gets thrown at this window? Answer: 1/4 of the window shatters. Lastly, check out this …
Harvard Agrees, This is How You Get Out of Debt
"Improve finances" is usually the second most common New Year's resolution right behind "lose weight." For many, "improve finances" is simply code for "get out of debt." In the same way those extra pounds take a toll on your body, the weight of debt can be felt physically by way of unnecessary …