I don’t have much time to put together a full well-thought out post tonight. So instead of feeding everyone a hearty meal full of finance and taters, I’m going to give you the equivalent of a frozen dinner. If you can’t read it all tonight, no worries, place it back in the fridge. It’ll taste good later. I now present you:
Meredith Whitney Predicts a Muni-Bond Meltdown (February 2011)
Meat & Potatoes
Critics Doubt The Prediction (March 2011)
Harrisburg, PA Files For Bankruptcy (October 2011)
Jefferson County Files Largest Municipal Bankruptcy In History (November 2011)
I present this “food for thought” as a warning. Over the past few days, the stock market has rebounded on beliefs that Europe is getting their sh*t together. As company earnings have been impressive, these macroeconomic variables have been the main factor in the market. The European governments seem to be moving in the right direction, now we just need to follow suit. Our local, state, and national governments need to get their act together – before I’ll feel optimistic of our future.